Lanto Dictations

Product Name SKU Price Quantity

Lanto - 1949-12-31-1


Lanto - 1952-12-26


Lanto - 1954-12-31


Lanto - 1955-09-21


Lanto - 1956-09-11


Lanto - 1956-12-31


Lanto - 1958-12-31


Lanto - 1959-12-31


Lanto - 1960-12-31


Lanto - 1962-12-31


Lanto - 1963-12-31


Lanto - 1965-12-31


Lanto - 1966-06-30


Lanto - 1967-06-30


Lanto - 1968-12-31


Lanto - 1969-12-31


Lanto. - 1953-12-31

A to Z
  • Lanto - 1949-12-31-1

    Lanto - 1949-12-31-1

    Dictation given on1949-12-31-1in Chicago 27 min Mankind have not understood the value of gratitude Cyclopea’s outpouring from the Royal Teton Music released. As those "Walls of Flame" go forth. Great Power of All-Seeing Eye Tonight you are drawing from...

  • Lanto - 1952-12-26

    Lanto - 1952-12-26

    Dictation given on December 26, 1952 in Chicago 35 min The Power of Victory that is within the fiery Miracle Love Don't tolerate anything that does not bring Victory to you "I AM" issuing this for the "I AM" Temple of Chicago It's easier to make the...

  • Lanto - 1954-12-31

    Lanto - 1954-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1954 in Chicago 21 min May you feel the Power of that Unfed Flame and these other Activities of the Sacred Fire That are pouring forth for your blessing and for the stabilization of your Nation and the world Tonight...

  • Lanto - 1955-09-21

    Lanto - 1955-09-21

    Dictation given on September 21, 1955 in Shasta Springs 30 min The Retreats of the Ascended Masters are an eternal focus of Their Power of the Sacred Fire They are support of the structure of Earth, just like pillars are a support for your roof Mankind...

  • Lanto - 1956-09-11

    Lanto - 1956-09-11

    Dictation given on September 11, 1956 in Shasta Springs 39 min If you are going to have protection, you have got to hold the picture of protection When you call the Power of the All-Seeing Eye of God into yourself, you begin to see as God sees Then you...

  • Lanto - 1956-12-31

    Lanto - 1956-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1956 in Chicago 17 min I accept the Activities of the Sacred Fire which are being drawn forth from the Retreats throughout the World All destructive forces must be bound Your responsibility is to keep your attention on...

  • Lanto - 1958-12-31

    Lanto - 1958-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1958 in Chicago 34 min What you give to life, life gives back to you. If people could be taught the blessing of giving As you come to the Royal Teton, please leave every feeling in the Violet Flame Demand the Invincible...

  • Lanto - 1959-12-31

    Lanto - 1959-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1959 in Chicago 21 min Mighty Victory's Sacred Fire Cosmic Love of Cosmic Christ Victory, blaze through me and hold Perfection Teton Activity tonight expanding to whole world, intensification of Sacred Fire Those who have...

  • Lanto - 1960-12-31

    Lanto - 1960-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1960 in Chicago 24 min Do not allow yourselves to accept anything but the Ascnded Masters' Power of Victory Ascended Masters' Sacred Fire Possession and Control of everything within the Nation Call forth the...

  • Lanto - 1962-12-31

    Lanto - 1962-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1962 in Chicago 21 min Call forth whatever concentration of the Sacred Fire and Cosmic Light will produce enough Purity within your borders To be the Protection of your Freedom Call before you go to Tetons I will meet you...

  • Lanto - 1963-12-31

    Lanto - 1963-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1963 in Chicago 18 min Royal Teton activity Lord Maitreya is rendering Service tonight for the Nation that heretofore rendered to those who carried the Light Demand Immortal Purity in and around you Service which you are...

  • Lanto - 1965-12-31

    Lanto - 1965-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1965 in Chicago 20 min Royal Teton, Cosmic Screen. Balls of Flame The Love of Sacred Fire Mighty Cyclopea pours; those Rays in the Great Eye in the North Wall of Royal Teton The Purifying Love of the Sacred Fire, the...

  • Lanto - 1966-06-30

    Lanto - 1966-06-30

    Dictation given on June 30, 1966 in Chicago 25 min You are privileged to stand in the aura of those Great Beings tonight The world never heard of Ascended Masters until this "I AM" Activity came forth The Earth was once Luminous As those "Walls of...

  • Lanto - 1967-06-30

    Lanto - 1967-06-30

    Dictation given on June 30, 1967 in Chicago 32 min Come early to the Royal Teton, Activity tonight Demand whatever intensity of Violet Flame and Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Purity is necessary Outpouring from Cyclopea tonight through that All-Seeing Eye...

  • Lanto - 1968-12-31

    Lanto - 1968-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1968 in Chicago 34 min Hold picture of Violet Flame, the Ascended Masters' Obedience, to flood in and around the individual Do not describe destructive activities with a lot of emotionalism Acknowledge Sacred Fire of...

  • Lanto - 1969-12-31

    Lanto - 1969-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1969 in Chicago 27 min Acknowledge Violet Flame Love to correct conditions Liquid Light that flows through nerves is very volatile Storms, call to Us to Flash into that storm what We know will control it Disagreement...

  • Lanto. -  1953-12-31

    Lanto. - 1953-12-31

    Dictation given on December 31, 1953 in Chicago 26 min Mama; I sometimes call Him my Daddy As you gather tonight, the Power of the Royal Teton And prepare to hear the Music of the Spheres You are expecting to come, aren't you?
