Leto Dictations

Product Name SKU Price Quantity

Leto - 1954-09-21`


Leto - 1949-05-12


Leto - 1951-12-20


Leto - 1952-04-19


Leto - 1957-01-27


Leto - 1962-09-20


Leto - 1964-12-29

A to Z
  • Leto  - 1954-09-21`

    Leto - 1954-09-21`

    Dictation given on September 21, 1954 in Shasta Springs 26 min "I AM" the Flame of God's Heart, and 'I AM' the Miracles of Its Sacred Fire manifesting Its Blessings The feeling world exists outside as well as within the physical body, sometimes for...

  • Leto - 1949-05-12

    Leto - 1949-05-12

    Dictation given on May 12, 1949 in Los Angeles 50 min Claiming your God-given Authority over all human creation Take fierce, relentless, determined stand for Perfection Purify these bodies. Say to conditions go into the Violet Consuming Flame The Light...

  • Leto - 1951-12-20

    Leto - 1951-12-20

    Dictation given on December 20, 1951 in Chicago 32 min Healing. Feel Violet Flame come down within to meet Violet Flame without; push out through flesh It will throw off cells used up by the body. People seek health by mountains or seaside Tension...

  • Leto - 1952-04-19

    Leto - 1952-04-19

    Dictation given on April 19, 1952 in Santa Fe 40 min Strike One Mighty Stroke of Violet Flame into feeling that you can't do this or that Hold picture clearly in mind of Its Activity in you first Demand whatever intensity of the Violet Consuming Flame...

  • Leto - 1957-01-27

    Leto - 1957-01-27

    Dictation given on January 27, 1957 in Chicago 37 min Call for Its Violet Flame Purity in yourselves and Its Violet Flame Harmony in yourselves first Then Its Violet Flame Purity in your affairs Its Violet Flame Harmony

  • Leto - 1962-09-20

    Leto - 1962-09-20

    Dictation given on September 20, 1962 in Shasta Springs 40 min If you will dare to turn to your "Presence," and say Give me what You know I am going to require, what You want me to have, and keep me Invincible against all wrong! We take you for...

  • Leto - 1964-12-29

    Leto - 1964-12-29

    Dictation given on December 29, 1964 in Chicago 48 min Explanation of whirls of energy. Fill me what Ascended Masters know will annihilate this Guard against feeling of impatience, critical Destructive forces want to make you talk when controversy...
